University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: NM17
Publication Name: Farmington Resource Management Plan with Record of Decision
Publication Type: Land Use Plan / NEPA Document
Section Name: Appendix C: Recreation
Author Name: Bureau of Land Management
Other Authors:
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Publication Year: 2003
Publication No.:
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Local Source File: NM17-FarmingtonRMPandRODAppendixC.pdf
Annotation: The main document approves the proposed revision to the Farmington Resource Management Plan. Appendix C suggests management practices to minimize the impact of oil and gas development on recreational areas and Aquatic/Riparian wildlife and habitat.
Required vs.
Recommended, to be used as guide for BLM decision making process: "The Plan will guide the Farmington Field Office when making decisions regarding oil and gas leasing and development, OHV designations land ownership adjustments, management of SDAs, and coal leasing suitability." (pg 3)
Ownership: Ownership: Federal “The decision does not apply to private or state lands or minerals or to lands or minerals administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the benefit of Native American Tribes or individuals. All of the lands and minerals administered by the Farmington Field Office are included in the decision. Oil and gas related activities on lands administered by the Albuquerque Field Office are also included. BLM will continue to manage subsurface aspects of oil and gas leases under lands administered by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Forest Service, but surface management will be determined by those agencies’ land use planning documents.” Pg. 2. “The management objectives and philosophies developed in this plan are intended to be applied only to the public surface and mineral estate.” Pg. 1-2