University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: WY060
Publication Name: Record of Decision and Approved Rawlins Resource Management Plan
Publication Type: Land Use Plan / NEPA Document
Section Name: Appendix 15 - Best Management Practices For Reducing Surface Disturbance And Disruptive Activities
Author Name: Bureau of Land Management
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Publication Year: 2008
Publication No.:
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Local Source File: WY060-Appendix15_Best_Management_Practices.pdf
Annotation: "The following list of BMPs, although extensive, is not all inclusive. As technology and management opportunity change, new BMPs may become available that would be considered for addition to the list."Appendix 15 list BMP's for reducing surface disturbances and disruptive activities.
Required vs.
Recommended. "The following BMPs will be considered to reduce impacts ..."
Ownership: Federal