University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: CO133
Publication Name: Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of County Commissioners of La Plata County, Colorado and Samson Resources Company, 2005
Publication Type: MOU/MOA
Section Name:
Author Name: the Board of County Commissioners of La Plata County, Colorado
Other Authors: Samson Resources Company
Contractor Name:
Publication Year: 2005
Publication No.:
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Local Source File: CO133_MOU_La_Plata_County_Samson_1.pdf
Annotation: This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Board of County Commissioners of La Plata County, Colorado and Samson Resources Company represents an agreement between both parties to avoid expending their resources advancing their differing legal positions regarding the degree and extent of the County's authority to regulate certain aspect of oil and gas operations. The MOU seeks to facilitate the development of oil and gas resources with the unincorporated area of the county while mitigating potential impacts from such development.
Required vs.
Required: Article I: "This Agreement shall apply to lands presently within the unincorporated portions of the Infill Application Area within the County with the exception of those lands where the County's jurisdiction is preempted by federal or state law, or by Southern Ute Indian tribal jurisdiction."