University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: MT22
Publication Name: Montana Final Statewide Oil and Gas Environmental Impact Statement and Proposed Amendment of the Powder River and Billings Resource Management Plans
Publication Type: Land Use Plan / NEPA Document
Section Name:
Author Name: Bureau of Land Management
Other Authors: State of Montana
Contractor Name:
Publication Year: 2003
Publication No.: BLM/MT/PL-03-005
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Annotation: The FEIS and Proposed Amendment to the Powder River and Billings Resource Management Plans documents and discloses the results of the environmental analysis of anticipated coal bed methane and conventional oil and gas development in the State of Montana. The website link includes various .pdf documents for the entire FEIS.
Required vs.
Mostly Recommended -- An FEIS is not a decision document. Its purpose is to inform the public and interested parties of the BLM's analysis of potential impacts associated with implementing the proposed project and alternatives. Some sections of the document include required practices. See, for example, the Wildlife Appendix.
Ownership: Federal, state and private -- "[T]he Montana FEIS and Proposed Amendment covers all lands within the state of Montana…" pg. 2, Dear Reader letter. "The BLM's authority and decisions, related to oil and gas development in the planning area are limited to the agency's stewardship, resource conservation, and resource protection responsibilities for federal lands and minerals." pg. 1-6 Various state agencies have jurisdiction over issues and permits; see chapter 1 for a description of the state responsibilities.