University of Colorado at Boulder
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Citation Label: GEN105
Publication Name: Low-Volume Roads Engineering: Best Management Practices Field Guide
Publication Type: Guidance/Standards
Section Name:
Author Name: Keller, Gordon, PE
Other Authors: James Sherar, PE, U.S. Forest Service / U.S. Agency for International Development
Contractor Name:
Publication Year: 2003
Publication No.:
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Local Source File: GEN105-lowvolumeroadseng.pdf
Annotation: This guide was written by Forest Service authors for USAID. The basic objective of this guide is to help engineers, planners, environmental specialists, and road managers make good decisions, protect the environment, and build good low-volume roads. The Best Management Practices presented are a compilation of ideas and techniques that can be used in road management to reduce or eliminate many of the potential impacts from road operations and protect water quality. The document includes many detailed illustrations.
Required vs.
Recommended-"The basic objective of this guide is to help engineers, planners, environmental specialists, and road managers make good decisions, protect the environment, and build good low-volume roads."(Introduction)
Ownership: Federal, State and private. The document was originally written in Spanish for use in Latin America.