A BMP database search can be used to see what practices operators and a local government have agreed to during development in a community or to compare the BMPs in one community to those of another. Some examples are provided below, but see theHow-to Guide for Searching the BMP Database in order to create your own searches.
The following are examples, generated from the database in early June , 2016, when BMPs from 38 MOUs had been entered into the database. The number of MOUs identified in the searches below reflect that initial search. Following t he link to a particular search will, however, provide an updated report — current to the time you “click” to retrieve it. Consequently, your download of data may indicate more MOUs addressing the specific issue if additional documents have been added to the database since June 2016.
37 MOUs (88%) address setbacks (Keyword search = MOU setback?) These BMPs include setbacks from Residential and High Occupancy Building Units, measure setbacks from wellheads, tanks, treaters, etc., address pit setbacks from water wells and residences, address non-conforming uses, waivers, and encroachment of development.
39 MOUs (92%) address roads (Keyword search = MOU road?) These BMPs address many road issues, including access route plans, rights-of-way, traffic, dust suppression, pipeline alignments in roads and pipelines crossing roads, weeds, reclamation, permanent, temporary, public and private roads, permits, specifications (including width, load limits, and surfacing), and costs for road building or repair.
Air Quality:
38 MOUs (90%) address air quality issues (Keyword search = MOU; Category filter = Air Quality and Emissions). The treatment of air quality in MOUs varies between a single BMP addressing dust in Hudson to an MOU between Fort Collins and Prospect that includes using centralized hubs for gathering, storage, compression, etc., vapor capture, flaring, plunger lift systems, instituting well leak detection and repair programs, baseline and subsequent air sampling, and green completions.
13 MOUs (31%) address noise (Keyword search = MOU noise). These BMPs vary from requiring noise mitigation study or plans, to using electric powered equipment (where feasible), to requiring insulating materials or structures surrounding equipment or the entire drill site, to complying with COGCC rules or other noise level standards.
7 MOUs (17%) address chemicals (Keyword search = MOU chemical?) including chemical disclosure (to FracFocus or the local government), storage, spills, releases, discharges, use in dust suppression, and regarding emergency planning.
6 MOUs (14%) address wildlife, including habitat, issues (Keyword search = MOU habitat?) or (Keyword search = MOU; Category filter = wildlife). Note that a Keyword search = MOU habitat? wildlife, will only yield three BMPs because both “wildlife” and “habitat” must occur in the BMP to be captured by this search.